February 2007
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Think Soccer Players Are Tough? Try Rugby.

So which is made of tougher men? I used to think soccer (football to the rest of the world) players were tough but not after watching the last World Cup. They do have stamina but it was pretty pathetic to watch them fall down when nothing even happens to them and then roll around on the grass acting like they are in so much pain. Obviously they do it to get penalties and it works sometimes but it’s dumb.

So check out this video comparing soccer to rugby.

2 comments to Think Soccer Players Are Tough? Try Rugby.

  • daphne

    hhahahaa! some footballers are actors, IMO…

    where did you get such a cool video? XD

  • I was just browsing around on Youtube and found it. The music really helps too 🙂

    Too many footballers are actors. They need to just get back to playing the game. I think it really turned off a lot of potential fans like myself who never really watched football that much before.