I had another network account issue with our Apple at work. Got that one solved and then we finally got the software from Adobe for CS4 after a couple hours on the phone convincing them that they had already said we would get it before they changed their mind. Well, that’s a whole other story I don’t have time for.
This problem lies in the fact that Acrobat for some reason has a problem reading or writing to a file on a network share. Since the user’s home drive is connected to the network share, Acrobat will crash every time they try to open a file. Log in with a local user account and everything works great. After figuring out where the problem lay, I found a posting on the Adobe Forums about this exact issue.
What I found there was the following:
1. Log in as a Network User
2. Go to /Users/Shared/
3. If you are on an Intel based Mac create a folder in /Users/Shared/ named 9.0_x86 if you are on a Mac that is a G5/G4 create a folder named 9.0_ppcAt this point you should have created either
/Users/Shared/9.0_ppc/4. Go to ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/ and trash the 9.0_x86 or 9.0_ppc folder contained within
5. Go to Applications/Utilities/ and open Terminal
6. Enter one of the following into the Terminal
If you are on an Intel based Mac enter
ln -s /Users/Shared/9.0_x86 ~/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Acrobat/9.0_x86
If you are on a G5/G4 Mac enter
ln -s /Users/Shared/9.0_ppc ~/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/Acrobat/9.0_ppc
7. Open up Acrobat 9 and it should work!
*bold is my edit*
I found for the link command (ln) I had to actually specify the 9.0 folder. You are basically telling the computer to go to a local directory when it tries to find the user’s files in the home directory which is on the network. I also had to chmod the /Users/Shared/9.0_ppc to 777 because I created the folder with an admin user and the normal user didn’t have rights to make changes. After doing this, it all worked!
As of this posting, it appears the problem still exists and has not been fixed by Adobe even though it has been a known issue for 7 months now.