For Mother’s Day I was thinking of a couple things but they didn’t work out. I was talking to my mother the weekend before and she mentioned she wanted to build a stronger fence to keep the deer out of her garden. It would be quite a project because it had to be done in one day or the deer would have free reign overnight.
So I came up in the morning, we put everything up somehow and then went out to dinner at night. The next day we went out for breakfast and enjoyed the new fence before I headed to my grandma’s house for the rest of the day. Not a bad weekend, I’d say!
The deers are out of their luck as the fortress has been built!! Am curious what the deers look like, get a picture of them when they’re invading and post them here so that I can see how nasty are them. *giggle*
Hmmm, I don’t think I will have any pics of the deer trying to invade as my mom doesn’t live nearby.
They sure are nasty though! hehe. Here’s a link to a pic of the deer in Washington State
[…] Linux. I tried on my work laptop which runs Vista and it worked just fine so I used that for the photos of my mom’s fence. Now that I have a new job I don’t have a work laptop at the moment so that’s not […]