February 2023
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Routing and Remote Access Changes From Automatic to Disabled

I’ve been working on setting up an ISA Server 2006 to be a VPN connection for employees. I had it working and then the next day it wouldn’t work. I looked and saw that the Routing and Remote Access service had been not only stopped but disabled. I would turn it back on and then […]

Add New Exchange 2003 Server To Existing Organization

These are the steps I followed to set up a new exchange server which will eventually replace the original exchange server.

Before installation, decide on the best partitioning strategy available with the given hardware. Raid 1 (Mirroring) should be the minimum for redundancy purposes. Raid 5 is generally not the best because of the additional […]

Using IAS (RADIUS) For Client VPN Authentication To Cisco PIX

I just had an opportunity to set this up again. The domain controller we had that was the RADIUS server crashed over the weekend so this is one of many things I had to get going again. Yes, our backup strategy needs some attention. So anyways, it did give me an opportunity to re-learn how […]

Move Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance Menu To Left Side

Finally!!!!! I found the method to move the in-game menu to the left and back to the bottom of the screen in Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. I had done this accidentally and had no idea how it happened. I searched and searched online and didn’t find anything so I just had to make due for […]

Moving and Organizing My Home Server Closet

I actually did this back in August but I didn’t get around to uploading the photos til today so here it is!

Some wise person suggested that since I had a free room that I move my servers to the closet in that room instead of keeping them in my own closet. I’ve gotten used to […]